That Sugar Film – a must watch if you’re concerned about sugar

In Health, Uncategorized by Polina

We’ve written a lot about sugar – and how it could possibly be the worst thing for your health that is *everywhere* and I mean everywhere.

This looks like it will be a fascinating documentary. Made by an Australian film maker he starts off looking, well, fairly in shape, but after a few weeks cutting out obvious sugar (ice cream, chocolate that sort of thing) and on an apparently “healthy” off the shelf diet, ends up obese with a fatty liver. Very shocking and very disturbing. Well worth a watch – looking forward to watching this when it’s available.

Here’s a sobering bit of information. Innocent smoothies, probably the UK’s leading brand of smoothies, have about 26g of sugar in a 250ml bottle. That’s over the strict recommended daily amount. And it doesn’t really matter that its fruit and supposedly healthy. Fructose in the body acts the same as other forms of sugar and worse, in smoothie form, it won’t fill you up so you’ll get munchy again even though you’d just drunk a load of sugar.

I haven’t changed much about the way I eat except to check everything twice for sugar and to get rid of it. It’s delivered some incredible results, so give it a go, cut out the sugar!

Here’s the trailer.